Even though sales are not laughing matters, it is surprising how much humor can do to a business when used during a sales presentation. Some of the advantages of using humor in sales presentations and product advertisements are as discussed below:-
Humor improves product differentiation for the company
The use of humor results in product differentiation and makes it more attractive to the target market. Product differentiation is one strategy in marketing, that enables a company to achieve competitive advantage from other companies producing similar products. Further, by promoting product differentiation through humor, the company develops uniqueness in their services or products. Therefore humor is an essential factor in a sales presentation.
Humor facilitates the demand for the product
In the course of a sales presentation, humor improves the products demand. in other words, humor helps the company and the salesperson to improve the brand image of the products by being friendly and human. Most consumers like to be influenced by appropriate humor since it indicates the level of humanity in the salesperson. For that reason, many customers will demand the products that are appropriately advertised with appropriate humor.
Humor enhances consumer-company relationships
Using humor leads to the development of a personal relationship between the consumer and producer. During the presentation, humor impacts the message and communicaion in general. As such, humor creates a positive consumer-producer relationship. However, it is also important to note that people have differences in what impresses them. Therefore, the salesperson should be careful with the kind of humor he/she is using in the sales presentation. Positive impact promotes a positive relationship between the company and the consumer.
Humor facilitates positive attitude in consumers
The use of humor is the best way to develop customer’s positive attitude towards the product. In this case, humor facilitates customers intention to purchasee the product. Lack of humor during a sales presentation, casues a negative influence on the customer’s intention of purchasing the product. Therefore, using humor during sales presentations decreases the intrusive nature of the communication, hence leading optimal marketing outcomes.
In conclusion, the use of humor in advertisements and sales presentations is a good strategy for promoting the product and improving marketing skills by a company. Therefore, any company with an aim of increasing profitability should employ the use of humor in its advertisements.
For a serious business transaction, one needs to avoid compromising topics such as racism, sexism, tribalism and so on while using humor. Such topics normally develop critics of the product and the company, hence reducing its performance.
Focusing on the business objectives when using humor during advertisements and presentation improves its positive impact on the business.