Growing your own herbs is more convenient than buying readily available herbs. Start small by maintaining a simple vegetable garden in your backyard. If you don’t enjoy working in the garden, try keeping plants (herbs) indoors. Generally, herbs do well in any environment. Most herbs require minimal light, sun, and water except a few types like rosemary which needs extra care after planting.
Plant in Pots or in the garden?
A number of factors come into play when deciding whether to grow herbs in the garden or in pots. If you opt to grow herbs indoors, consider whether the place where you plan to put your herbs get enough light during the day. Does it get enough moisture? How about temperature? How many windows does the space have?
Most herbs like basil, chives, parsley, rosemary, and sage do well planted in pots. Potted herbs need more watering and feeding because they won’t get the same nutrients that herbs planted in the ground will. Water is their number one killer –either too much water or little water will affect how your plants grow. There are exceptions like mint that need frequent watering. When watering, allow water to soak for about an hour, and then throw excess water away.
Herbs grown on the ground seem to be less demanding than potted herbs. They get enough moisture, temperature, and light. Temperature is crucial here, especially for flowering plants. They need a regular change in temperature in order to bloom.
Which Compost Should You use?
Most herbs like any other plant do well in loam-based compost. You can boost your plants by adding compost to the soil mixture especially when planting in pots.
It’s easy to have your own supply of herbs at home. To get the most out of herbs, pick them regularly to encourage a good supply of fresh, young shoots.